Steven James Prodan
I. Work Experience
Academic Advisor ▪ 2020 - Present
Escondido Charter High School ▪ 1868 East Valley Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92027
Lead for school on college application workshops, college visits, and college bound seminars conducted for each grade. Serve 9th – 12th graders as they navigate high school. Work with IEP and 504, populate and fix schedules, meet with struggling students and parents. Served as the school’s Dual Enrollment Coordinator. Run ECHS social media, and our school’s alumni organization.
Social Science Teacher
▪ 2010 - 2020
Escondido Charter High School ▪ 1868 East Valley Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92027
Taught AP Euro, Economics (H), Economics, AP World History, World History; Ran media for the football team; Coached the basketball team for six years; Mentor Seniors for their Graduation Presentations; Built syllabus and got first AP European History approved at ECHS; Helped direct History Night.
II. Education
University of California San Diego
2021 ▪ College Counseling Certificate
University California San Diego
2013 ▪ Clear Teaching Credential
GPA 4.0
San Diego State University
2007 - 2008 ▪ Preliminary Single Subject Credential in Social Science
GPA 3.9
San Diego State University
2003 - 2007 ▪ Bachelor of Arts in History
GPA 3.48
Graduation with distinction in History
Studied Abroad - Oxford University (ENG), University of New South Wales (AUS)
III. Experience and Accolades
EF Tour Leader and Global Education Ambassador (2011 – Present) – Organized and led trips to Europe, Asia, and South America for students and parents. Visit schools and speak about the importance of travel, run training tours for new teachers abroad.
UCSB External Reader (2023 - Present) – Hired by UCSB to read applications and score them as a part of their admissions team. Read over 1000 applications.
Gates Scholarship Reader and Interviewer (2024 – Present) – Scored and interviewed Gates Scholarship applicants.
A Bridge for Kids Mentor (2024 – Present) – Sponsored and mentored students who were identified for their academic prowess and their low-income level.
Matchlight Volunteer with College Essay Guy (2024 – Present) – Volunteer to work with students form disadvantaged backgrounds that are in need of college help.
Coach of Escondido Charter Basketball – Head Varsity Coach (2012-2014) Assistant Varsity Coach (2011, 2017-2019)